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A Corner in the World

With a strong belief in the exchange and interaction of disciplines, backgrounds, and practices, A Corner in the World curates festivals and artistic programs, designs collaborative events and projects, including conferences, training, and workshops, conducts research, and creates research-based content.

A.M. Qattan Foundation

Applications are open to young Palestinian and Arab artists in the fields of visual arts, performing arts, literature, and audiovisual arts.

aa-e | The agency for artists in exile

The agency for artists in exile (aa-e) offers a reception and advisory office where artists are individually received; a convivial space where artists can spend time; spaces for artistic practice where artists can come to work occasionally.

Aaron Siskind Foundation

Grants are available to U.S. citizens and legal residents over the age of 21 who are college graduates. The grant application requires the submission of a representative portfolio of 10 images and carries a $20 entry fee.

Abogados Culturales

Abogados Culturales receive inquiries and provide free legal advice to individuals and organizations. To request an interview, you can do so through their consultation channels.


Spanish citizens and permanent residents are eligible. AC/E residencies cater to specific fields and general studies. Residencies provide their recipients with a space in which to conduct their work.

Access Arts/School of Service

Applications must be submitted to Access Arts at least six weeks before the desired start date of the residency. The ideal candidate should have an MFA, be pursuing such a degree, or able to demonstrate competency in a particular area of art.

Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline

Access Now’s Helpline services are free of charge and are available to at-risk individuals and organizations from civil society across the globe. You can reach out to our team by emailing help[at]

Acción Constitucional

Acción Constitucional offers legal assistance to artists and human rights defenders at risk due to their artistic expression, self-expression, and other forms of social communication in the name of human rights.


Residencies open to both established and emerging international visual artists and to curators who want to take advantage of the organization's library, its private studio facilities, and the city of Buenos Aires itself.

Acme Artist Studios

Applicants must be UK-based and work in a fine arts practice. They also must demonstrate my commitment to a professional art practice. Applicants have to pay a one-off fee of £10 which can be paid for using a PayPal account or by credit/debit card.


The ACOSS residency program costs €340–€420 monthly, including housing (one person) and a working space, or €250–€350 per month for residencies longer than three months. Residencies are open to practitioners from all artistic fields.

Action for Hope

Action for Hope's programs were established to help meet the social, cultural, and psychological needs of distressed and displaced communities. Specific guidelines vary by program.

ActiveWatch – Media Monitoring Agency

MMA is engaged in a large array of activities, with an emphasis on human rights monitoring, advocacy, direct intervention, education, and media research and permanently collaborates with local and international NGOs.

Actors Fund of America

The Actors Fund provides its members with social services and financial assistance, career advice, affordable housing options, and medical and health insurance guidance. Eligibility and application procedures can be found on the website.

Ad Relief of Greater Los Angeles

Applicants must have been employed for one year by an advertising or promotions entity within the Greater Los Angeles area. Ad Relief provides both emergency grants and confidential loans. Applications are made online and reviewed monthly.

Adil Soz – International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech

The foundation primarily monitors violations of free speech, conducts analysis of draft laws on free expression, and carries out educational seminars. The organization also provides legal advice and representation to journalists and media workers.

AECID – Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development

Training programs and internships are open to all with backgrounds in education, arts, and culture. The respective programs emphasize different thematic and geographic criteria. Deadlines vary according to the specific program.

Aesthetica Magazine Art Prize

Submit two works per entry fee. However, for the Video, Installation & Performance category, one work per entry fee will suffice. If submitting a series, it is considered one work. You may enter as many times as you wish.

Africa Art Lines

Africa Art Lines is open to artists and cultural operators living and working in Africa on projects related to Morocco. Grants are for those operating within the music industry.

Africa Centre

Africa Centre has collaborated on a number of projects, all of which offer performance and exhibition opportunities to artists across Africa. The primary service applicable to artists at risk is the residency program.

African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims

ACTV provides free medical treatment, trauma, and psychosocial counseling, physiotherapy and legal advice to Ugandans and refugees.

African Human Rights Network (AHRN)

AHRN has several types of trainings for human rights defenders in the region, as well as the Shelter City temporary relocation program in Dar es Salaam and Benin. Those interested in applying must fill out an application.

African Women’s Development Fund

Grants will only be made to African women's organizations. Individuals, political parties, and religious groups seeking to convert others cannot apply for grants.

Agir Ensemble pour les Droits Humains

AEDH offers emergency services to human rights defenders under threat in need of immediate relocation. They provide legal and medical assistance as needed. Assistance is limited to human rights defenders, but artists can fall within that category.

agnès films

agnès films is a digital publication that encourages filmmakers, critics, and writers to contribute their voices and perspectives. Please contact agnès films if you work in film and would like to write about yourself and your work.

Aid A – Aid for Artists in Exile

Aid A awards scholarships to individual artists who through their creative work continue championing democracy and human rights in their home countries.

AIRE Centre

The AIRE Centre provides free legal advice for individuals seeking advice for themselves or someone they know. However, it can only provide written legal advice (which usually takes between two and four weeks to produce).

Akademie Schloss Solitude

Persons up to 35 years—or, if older, who have completed a university or college degree within the past five years—can apply. Several fellowships are also awarded regardless of the applicant's age. 50–70 fellowships are allocated every 24 months.

Al Mawred Al Thaqafy – Culture Resource

The program provides a temporary residency, emergency funds, and mobility funds. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Only artists, writers and cultural managers from Arab countries can apply.

Al Rewaq

If you want to attend one of Al Rewaq's meeting, contact the cooperative by email,, or by phone, 010-7200997. For dates and information on Al Rewaq events, visit its website.

Alan Cheuse International Writers Center

The Cheuse Center partners with organizations to provide temporary refuge, a safe place to work, and an audience for these writers. The writing center hosts artists at risk through a partnership with the International Cities of Refuge (ICORN). Applicants should first apply to ICORN.

Albanian Media Institute

The AMI exists to serve as a training center for Albanian journalists, coordinating and supporting activities related to the training of journalists and the general development of media. For more information on AMI events, visit their website.

Alexia Foundation

Applications must include a synopsis, proposal, resume, and numerous other documents. Photographers and visual journalists from any country may apply.

Aliansi Jurnalis Independen/Alliance of Independent Journalists

AJI routinely undertakes a number of campaign activities, advocacy, training, workshops, discussions, seminars, research, scholarships, and book publishing.

All That We Are

Residencies from one to four weeks are open to any committed artist. All That We Are has a special interest in artists whose practice is inclusive of children, families, young people and the diverse ecologies of communities.

Alliance of Artists Communities

Artists looking for residency opportunities are encouraged to check out the website's directory, which includes over 500 artist-centered programs.

Alternate ROOTS

Alternate ROOTS provides direct support to individual artists and cultural workers in the south to enhance their skills, create unique projects, and build community. The program has two funding areas: professional development and project development.

Alternative Law Forum

ALF has a number of campaigns related to change in different legal sectors. For a list, please visit the website.

America-Israel Cultural Foundation

AIFC awards grants and prizes to Israeli students and artists of different disciplines and to partner institutions in Israel to help them maintain the highest standard of excellence in arts education. Guidelines vary depending on programs.

American Alliance of Museums

AMM-US's grants mostly recognize curators for contributions to the field. Some are available for those doing research.

American Federation of Musicians

Members of the AFM have access to legal and financial assistance in order to negotiate strong contacts, good wages, decent working conditions, healthcare, and a secure retirement

American Guild of Musical Artists

The American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) Relief Fund provides support, temporary financial assistance, and comprehensive social services to its members who are in need.

American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA)

AGVA offers its current and previous members emergency aid through the AGVA Sick & Relief Fund. A support network is available for injured dancers

American Library Association

The award is provided annually to recipients with outstanding service to the profession. The organization also provides continuing education through scholarships, grants for future projects, and awards for distinguished service.

American-Scandinavian Foundation

The prizes are for outstanding English translations of poetry, fiction, drama, or literary prose originally written in a Nordic language. If prose, manuscripts must be no longer than 50 pages; if poetry, 25. (Do not exceed these limits.)

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain

ADHRB lobbies in support of democracy and human rights in Bahrain. It also works with media organizations and human rights groups to publicize rights violations in Bahrain and connect Bahraini activists and U.S. policymakers.

Americans for the Arts

A toolkit is provided for individuals who would like to advocate on behalf of an issue related to the arts. Tips for meeting with members of Congress are also provided.

Amnesty International

Contact Amnesty if you'd like to get involved on behalf of an issue. You can also contact the organization to alert them about emerging crises.

Anderson Center at Tower View

The program dates are May, June, July, September, and October (lasting two weeks or one month). Visual artists, writers, composers, choreographers, interdisciplinary artists, performance artists, and translators are welcome to apply.

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