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Artists take risks for all of us. Explore a global network that’s ready to help.

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I am at risk

If you are an artist at risk seeking assistance, please check the "I need urgent assistance" box.

Submissions are encrypted and ARC understands that your communications are confidential. ARC does not provide direct services, but we will do our best to refer you to organizations that do. You can also find help by exploring our network of resources.

If you are an individual or an organization looking to connect with ARC but do not need urgent assistance, please fill out the form to get in touch with us.

Your message is end-to-end encrypted and will be marked as urgent. You have the option to write this message in Arabic, English, French, Mandarin, Russian or Spanish. Expect a reply within 72 hours.

I am at risk

Resource for Artists

Know Your Rights Guide to Protesting for Non-U.S. Citizens

In the U.S., the rights of freedom of speech and freedom to assemble are at the foundation of artistic expression, and at the core of our right to publicly protest for political and social change. But many non-citizens who are in the U.S. are unclear about what rights they have to participate in political demonstrations.

Right now, the voices of everyone in America need to be part of the conversation. This is why Tamizdat, CoveyLaw, Artistic Freedom Initiative, and PEN America's Artists at Risk Connection have collaborated to create this critical guide, “Going to Protests When You’re not a U.S. Citizen (What You Need to Know).” This guide in jpeg form is downloadable as two images with all 4 sections on them, and as 4 separate images, one section per image. Please share far and wide.

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