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Operates globally

Instituto Tomie Ohtake

  • Services offered
  • Awards
  • Disciplines
  • Visual Artists
  • Target demographic
  • People Living in Latin America
Guidelines of assistance

The Energias na Arte Prize is aimed at Brazilian artists between 18–27 and results in an artistic residency for 3 winners in both Brazil and abroad. The Instituto Tomie Ohtake AkzoNobel Architecture Award is for architects of up to 45 years old.


The Tomie Ohtake Institute offers national awards and prizes for outstanding productions in the fields of visual arts and architecture. The institute is both an exhibition space of fine art and architecture and an educational resource in the realm of contemporary art, offering free training courses for teachers and educators, research, publications, seminars, debates, and free guided tours relating to the past 60 years of contemporary art. A focus on access for the socially vulnerable and marginalized is active under the rubric of the “Culture and Participation” program.

Last updated Oct 17, 2018
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