Operates globally
Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
Guidelines of assistance
Artists from all areas of the world are encouraged to apply to the Franklin Furnace Fund; however, artists selected by the panel are expected to present their work in New York. Full-time students are ineligible.
Franklin Furnace's mission is to present, preserve, interpret, proselytize, and advocate on behalf of avant-garde art, especially forms that may be vulnerable due to institutional neglect, cultural bias, their ephemeral nature, or politically unpopular content. Franklin Furnace is dedicated to serving artists by providing both physical and virtual venues for the presentation of time-based art—including but not limited to artists' books and periodicals, installation art, performance art, and unforeseen contemporary avant-garde art forms—and undertaking other activities related to these purposes. Franklin Furnace is committed to serving emerging artists; to assuming an aggressive pedagogical stance with regard to the value of avant-garde art to life; and to fostering artists' zeal to broadcast ideas.