

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2024

Abd El-Fattah, an award-winning British-Egyptian writer, software developer, prominent activist, and Honorary Member of English PEN, has endured years of arbitrary imprisonment on charges directly linked to his outspoken advocacy for human rights and free expression in Egypt.

Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2024

Cuban Artists

Voces Presas | Una Campaña

ARC and PEN International, in partnership with Civil Rights Defenders (CRD), launch a new campaign to shine a light on the stories of imprisoned and harassed Cuban artists. The campaign, “Voces Presas” (Incarcerated Voices), is an online campaign that calls for the release of all imprisoned artists and political prisoners in Cuba and the respect and guarantee of artistic freedom on the island.

Voces Presas | Una Campaña

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2023

ARC and PEN International highlight Cuban poet and activist Maria Cristina Garrido Rodriguez for the annual Day of the Imprisoneed Writer, one of the four imprisoned writers recognized this year by PEN International, with Tibetan writer Go Sherab Gyatso, Ukrainian journalist Iryna Danylovych, and Moroccan journalist Soulaiman Raissouni.

Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2023



The #ArtistsxArtists campaign was launched by the Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) to help raise awareness about challenges to artistic freedom and catalyze solidarity between artists and the art community. The campaign pairs established artists, emerging artists, and artists at risk—within and across disciplines—to create an unique art piece that engages pressing topics in creative expression and global human rights.


Protest Art

The Power of Art in Hong Kong’s Protests

Hong Kongers have turned art into a key part of their protest strategy, something that everyone can contribute to, regardless of age, skill, or profession. They are continuously proving the power of art to unite people, document and amplify injustice, and create meaningful social change. 

The Power of Art in Hong Kong’s Protests

Banned Books

A Banned Books Week 2019 Playlist

Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) contributes to PEN America's Banned Books Week with a curated playlist of banned songs. Some artists in this playlist became the voices of revolution; some now live in exile; some currently sit in prison; some were censored out of fear that their songs would incite race riots; and still others were assassinated by authoritarian regimes.

A Banned Books Week 2019 Playlist



As part of the ArtistsXArtists campaigng, ARC brought together Vietnamese songwriter and activist Mai Khoi and Lebanese vocalist Hamed Sinno—two world-renowned musicians who each have had to navigate profound risks to share their voices—for the song “Antibodies.”

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